Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The eternal question...

Good afternoon people! I am going to go off topic this afternoon. This blog will not be about travel or photography but about a question I get asked a lot. Liz, "why are you single?" Actually was just asked 5 min ago.

Now, I have been single for about 6 years. I had a long term relationship form age 18-25 since then I was in a short lived, live in, situation with a complete A-hole and have dated more A-holes after that. I am at the age where all my friends are now married with children.  YES, I have been in 13 weddings. Now I just tell my friends that I will do their pictures. Rather be behind the lense then in another bridesmaids dress.

Being single has it's perks. I can come and go as I please, spend my money at will, and pretty much do what ever I feel like doing! Honestly, it would be nice to have someone there to witness my life but I am doing ok alone, that is what best friends are for.

Anyway, the question "why are you single?" comes up a lot by strangers, friends, family, pretty much anyone I meet. Back in the day I didn't think much about it but it is getting old. I am going to do a little venting...

The reasons why I am single
  1. I haven't found the right person: why am I going to date just anyone?
  2. I will not settle! This may lead to a lonely life.
  3. Meeting people in your 30's isn't easy. It isn't like college or high school where you are forced to interact and met new people
My reasons are simple. I am not picky but I will not get into a relationship just to do it because everyone is doing it. When I meet the guy that I get along with and share common interest with, then I may consider being in a relationship. Until then, cheers to being single and having the eternal question asked over and over again.  Thanks for allowing me to vent for a minute. This may happen on occasion

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Travel Bug...unlike the flu it never goes away

Unlike my first blog, I will try to keep it a little shorter. But, if you know me, then you know I LOVE to talk, chat, and tell stories. So, I am sitting here at work, watching the clock, looking at travel web sites and a sadness has over come me.

I realized that I haven't been anywhere in about 2 years. This is due to the current lack money and time situation, it seems something always gets in the way. I have found myself becoming very jealous of complete strangers who are able to go abroad, spend weeks on end in a foreign country. While I, sit behind a computer wishing I could be there, trying desperately to figure out how to make more money that won't require me waiting tables or bartending.

My last trip was to the Ozarks National Park in Missouri. The guy I was seeing at the time was a park ranger there. We went on a two day camping and canoe trip that was amazing. Strangers are often amazed when they find out my hobbies, apparently I don't look the part. Of course I took the camera and got some great shoots. Pictures to follow once my home computer is up and running (crashed mother board) yep another expense.

Anyway, back to the travel bug.

  1. The urge to sell everything and point to a map and go there
  2. Constantly looking at travel sites to plan you next vacation
  3. Depression: scared you won't ever get to travel ever again
  4. Thinking of what you can sell to finance your next trip
  5. Jealous of others who get to travel
At this moment, all 5 have been at the front of my thoughts for a while. I am itching to go anywhere...Ireland, back to Scotland, even travel the US, Austria, Czech Republic, Russia and so on. 
Here are my thoughts on a cure for the Travel Bug

  1. Make a plan and stick to it. Find out how to get the money and DO IT
  2. Put fear aside. We have one go 'round. Make it count
  3. Education and research will help the dollar go further
  4. Use resources from Twitter, Facebook, and other social media
  5. Keep motivated.
Well that is all I have for the day. Happy travels!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Traveling alone: why everyone should do it!

I remember as a little girl I wanted to travel the world, meet new people and discover the undiscoverable. I had my chance a few years ago to travel to England to visit a friend of mine. At the time she and her husband had only been in England for 6 months and had a new born.

While it was great visiting with them and traveling around England via the train and car, I think the best time I had was going to Scotland alone, yep that's right folks, I was alone.

Picture this: attractive, 20 something year old female, decked out in my pink North Face jacket(my 80 dollar jacket cost them about $300, had no clue), leather cowboy boots straight from Texas and a ski hat I bought in Aspen, Colorado. I was a sight for sure. Considering EVERYONE wore black, gray or brown. Anyway, I digress. Here are the 3 main reasons to travel alone!!!

1.Get out of your comfort zone
2.Forcing yourself to meet and interact with people
3.You will learn something about yourself!

1. Getting out of your comfort zone
Here I am, a southern girl with the accent and all headed to Glasgow then to Edinburgh. On the quick flight over, I start a conversation with the man next to me. Now chatting with people on planes really isn't fun, you know you don't talk to the person next to you, every! Well we start to talk, he has two daughters both in medical school. One is on the Oxford rowing team and the other is at Cambridge and he is an engineer. Smart family if I do say so myself. He ask me where I am headed, I say Edinburgh via Glasgow. The conversation continues and it seems, I had no idea how I was going to get t oEdinburg.

I would have been so lost with out this guys help. He drew out a map, of when, and where I needed to be to catch the train to Edinburgh. With out him I would probably still be in Scotland, seriously. Which brings me to my next point.

2.Forcing yourself to interact: with this I got: 2 job offers, 1 set up with a son, and learned more about S.C from a Scotchman then I ever learned in South Carolina History class. Oh and met the hotest Austrialian ever...wonder where he is now. Mick (yeah mick, with no last name from Melbourne) if you read this hit a girl up!

Just by saying hi to someone or smiling at them as you pass you are interacting with them. Well, after the great directions from the guy on the plane, I make my train to Edinburgh. So, I am chillin' minding my own business. To the right of me is a father reading the paper, his 15 year old son infront of him, behind me a man that is about a million years old.

The old man looks at me, in my pink North Face and says, "where you from?" I say the United States. He nods in approval and the kid to the right is starring, I mean starring at me. I start to feel a little uncomfortable. The kid then ask in an excited voice, " REALLY? AMERICA?" I smile and say yep. The Dad lowers the paper, looks at me and smiles. The old man behind me replies," You sound southern, you must be from South Carolina?" In shock and confusion, I reply with a yes and how in the world did you know that and have you ever been to South Carolina? He replies, "nope never been." In my head, I was thinking, "well then, alrighty, this is strange. With out me saying anything else, this may starts rattling off South Carolina history like he was there at our states founding, he seemed to be that old so it is possible. I think this guy new more about S.C then my Granny, that is saying alot. We chatted the rest of the way all while the boy next to me didn't take his eyes off of me like I was an undiscovered object.

From there, I reach Edinburgh. Oh how I miss that city. GO if you ever get a chance. I check into my hotel, take a long bath, go down to the bar and park it there for the rest of the night. I was getting my buzz on when a man comes up behine me. He says in a thick Irish accent, "Aye, you from America?" Oh I get this question a lot so bare with me. I node with a yes. He invites me to come sit with he and his long time girlfriend. So, I do, I can't pass up some talk time with strangers. We sit, drink, talk, and drink some more. They were in town for a soccer match and by the end of it they tried to set me up with their son.

Full day number 2 in Ediburgh, I wake up with a slight hangover. Dang, those Irish peeps can drink. I head out on my own. So because I am all by my lonesome, I can do what ever the hell I want. There is no going back and forth, Hey, what do you want to do? I don't care, what do you want to do? And so forth. I decided to trek it up to Edinburgh was AMAZING! Well, I wanted to document that I was actually there so I ask the first person I see to take my picture. Me, "Excuse me? Would you mind taking my picture?"  The lady replying in a thicker accent then my own," HONEY, where you from?" Seriously, I travel all the way across the pond to run into another American. I say S.C, she starts to jump up and down and tells me she if from Surfside Beach, which is where our family had a house for years. I tell her this and it ends up we new some of the same people. Crazy, I know.

Continuing on, I keep doing my thing, because I can do what ever I want since I am alone. I take my treck to the shops of the Royal Mile. If you have never been there it is a straight line between Edinburgh Castle and Hollyrood Place, lined with pubs, shops and restaurants. I do a wee bit o shoping and tour Hollyrood Place. My plans for that day was to catch a train to Pitlochry, Scotland. I was hungry, I ducked into a little pub.

It was a classic pub, exactly what you would think of if you were to think of a pub in the UK. Dark, all wood, and even an old guy at the bar. I sit, order a sandwhich and start talking to the old guy. By the end of it, I had a bagpipest pulled in off the street and play for me, spoke with the owner of the bar to figure out how I could get a work visa to become his bartender, and was almost talked into not going to Pitlochry. I really should have taken him up on the bartender gig! Oh well, hindsight is 20/20.

Fast forward, I am on a train to Pitlochry. Sitting alone, reading, the lady next to me startes chatting. She of course ask, "where are you from?" I say the United States. It turns out she owned a castle B&B in Sterling, Scotland. Where good ole' grandpa William Wallace is from. Yep, I am related. Look him up if you don't know who he is. By the end of the train ride, she offers me a managerial position at HER castle B&B. WTH was I thinking not taking that one. Damn you hindsight.

I arrive in Pitlochry. There isn't much to do there and I shouldn't have gone because the next day I ended up with the worst hangover of my entire life to date! I check into my victorian hotel and huff it to the pub. If you haven't guessed, I beer. At the pub, I belly up to the bar. This time wearing, a black turtleneck, dark jeans, and my Texas boots. I get situated and not 10 min in another old man approaches. I think I attract old men btw. This dude is wasted with one tooth in his head. He ask me....ok people you know, "where are you from" I say.... the good ole US of A. That is about all I said because he laid into me. Talking shit about the USA and George Bush, who I don't really care for but it is like when someone talks about your Mama and you get mad because you are the only one that can talk about her. Anyway, I start to get really irritated with this old guy. As a polite southern gal I keep my trap shut.

Apparently, my aggrivation visable because some nice young men come to my rescue. I sit with them the rest of the night, it was drink after drink, my kind of people. One of the guys, Steven has become one of my good friends we chat on occassion via facebook or email. I hope to get back to see him again sometime soon!

Alrighty then, about to wrap this up I promise. So heading to the airport  via the train to head back to merry ole England. Well, I miss my flight. I panic, what the hell am I suppose to do? I am alone, in an airport, in a foreign country. I suck it all up and book the next flight out in the morning. Please don't get me wrong, there was a lot of panic, yelling, tears and hyperventalating. As I said, I sucked it up.

I am chillin with about 20 other people who miss their flight. Everyone is alseep but me, I am wide await and reading the latest trash magazine for the millionth time. Then comes this voice from behind me. He says in an Australian accent, "excuse me mate, would you have a phone" AHHHH I did have a phone, he probably could have had anything he asked for. The poor chap had left his passport in Edinburgh. So, the good lookin', 6'3, black haired, blue eyed dream boat and I stayed up the entire night talking about life, our homes and why we were traveling. We even waited for our planes the next morning together. Wanna know something, he is the only person the entire trip I didn't get an email, phone number, or last name from. YES, I do regret that! So Mick from Melbourne if you are out there, holla at me!

Hang in there, almost done, the story continues. Mick and myself are waiting on our planes. In walk 3 drunk men, oh it is 7am. Mick looks at me and laughs, I say, yep I bet they will be on my plane. Sure enough, they were, and sat next to me. They were decked out in their team colors headed to Spain for a Soccer match. Could you image, hopping on a plane for a day trip to another country? These guys were still drunk from the night before. It was a Dad his friend and the son. Well the son was turing every shade of green there was, thank goodness he was sitting infront of me. Of course I start to talk to the Dad. He askes me about my Dad and what he does for a living, which is, he owns a sub shop. Apparently, this guy owned a restaurant as also. He asked if I had gotten my Dad anything from Scotland, which I had. He proceeds to take off his isn't what you think. His shirt was a jersey that he just purchased of his favorite scottish soccer team. He takes it off, hands it to me and tells me to give it to my Dad as a present, he dons another shirt that he had in his carrryon. How many people do you know would do that.

Thanks for hanging in there. My point to all this is, meeting new people will help you discover humanity and a little about yourself. The kindness of strangers got me through that trip and is an experience I will never forget. If I were traveling with someone else, none, I mean, none of that would have happend. We would have kept to ourselves and gone through the ups and downs together which would not have made the trip as fun as it really was!

3. Learning something about yourself

Well from the above rants, you can see that I learned a lot about myself. Here is what I learned and have been able to apply to my life since then.

  • I can talk to almost anyone
  • If something goes wrong, don't panic, or worry because it WILL work out
  • I can get around a foreign place all by myself, if I can do it there then I can go anywhere alone: Independence
  • I can learn something from any situation
  • People are just people, don't be afraid of them
Ok well I hope you enjoyed reading this. There will be pictures to follow from my travels in the UK.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Spartanburg, South Carolina

To all the nah sayers out there! There is plenty to do in Spartanburg, you just have to look! Spartanburg, South  Carolina has played a key role in the developement of the United States. We have Revolutionary War battle fields, a textile and manufacturing history that has been important to the developement of our country and a city where many Jazz musicians started their career. The following pictures are from around the area! We have jazz in the park, a professional bike race, hiking, and plenty of outdoor activities! first blog.

So this is my very first blog, so baby steps should be taken, I think! A little about me, well, I am 30 something a native of South Carolina and live in the Upstate of S.C. For years I tried to get out of this state but recently decided beyond politics, S.C is a great place to live and there are such lovely areas. I hope to show you some of those areas through my photography.

Photography has been a love of mine ever since I was a kid. I remember my first camera. It was a yellow, rectangler Kodak, from there my love of photography has grown into a small business. My camera goes everywhere with me. Sometimes it is a pain in the arse to carry around but when I do not have it with me there is something I want to take a picture of!

So this brings me to traveling. In about the 4th grade I made a bucket list of sorts and on that list was to travel to Scotland, I did this a few years ago along with traveling much of England. I feel in love with the people, and culture, I can not wait to go back. Well, go back there and about a million other places. I have been to most of the states in the US and can't wait to check out more. We live on such a great planet and I want to try and see it all.

With that said, I hope you continue to follow me, comment, repost, find me on twitter under lrpics, also on facebook Liz Richardson Photography or on my website Hopefully, I wil get better at this blogging thing! If you have suggestions let me know. Pictures will soon follow!